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Neonatal ICU caters to babies born at less than 32 weeks gestation as well as babies born with critical illness, at all gestational ages. We have Level III grade NICU facility at our centre.

The NICU of the hospital is sophisticated and fully equipped for care of high-risk babies, which are referred from in and around villages of Ahmednagar district. Department is run under experienced Neonatologist.

We are having Incubators and warmers. We are having capacity to admit 10 new born babies in our NICU Unit.
NICU has got central O2 system & nitrous oxide for emergency & having central suction facility.

The patient can be viewed from all the sides for better nursing care. It also has the ABG analysis system and multi-channel monitors. With these additional equipments NICU has become unique in Ahmednagar district as no other hospital is providing such facilities.

In case of emergency pediatric ventilators are present to save the life of patients, by giving advance pediatric life support. The neonatal qualified pediatric surgeon performs surgeries and the congenital malformations like diaphragmatic hernia ,neonatal surgeries, and tracheoesophagal fistula.

The nursing staff is qualified and trained enough to deal with any emergency situation.Consultants are available round the clock. Regular cultures swab is done to prevent infection in the nursery and in NICU.

We have also expanded set up of 18 bedded Pediatric Intensive care unit.

Social Impact: This is the only tertiary care centre with well Qualified Doctors catering treatment to high risk neonatal patients. We do receive all types of emergencies and high risk cases from all over Ahmednagar district.

Due to poor economical condition, families are not interested in offering their girl child a good medical treatment. So at our centre we offer concession ranging from 25% to 100% depending on economical condition of the parents to baby girl child.
We consider this as our social responsibility to provide treatment at affordable rates.